Breaking Beast (Pounding Hearts) Page 11
It’s not the worst we could do on cheat meals, but fuck me if the pizza joint isn’t calling to me right now.
I give her a smile and pull away. “We can even do some soda.”
Laughing at that, she says, “Well, look at mister living dangerously!”
Nodding my head, I say, “Yep, that’s me. I like to live on the edge every once in a while.”
* * *
The pizza sitting in my stomach is a much welcomed relief after the stress we had earlier tonight.
I think if we are both being honest though, we have both been living under a cloud of stress ever since I moved her into my house. It was really only a matter of time before it got out that she was living with me.
We were probably kidding ourselves when we thought it would be our little secret.
We keep our conversations light as we sit at the high-top table, enjoying the pizza. I think we are trying hard to just enjoy the moment. All too soon we’re going to have to deal with some harsh shit.
But fuck it, we’re both adults, we can deal with it.
Come what may, I think getting kicked out of the gym right then was the best thing that could have happened to us. It forced our hands. It forced us to be honest with Chase and with each other.
I’m sure that this is something I want, her and me. I’m pretty damn sure she wants me too, but we need to talk about it.
Would we have broken past our walls eventually if our hand wasn’t pushed? Fuck if I know.
There’s a difference between eating with Christy and with Sophia that I find pretty jarring.
Right now, I’m happy and comfortable. There’s no pretense with us, we’re enjoying ourselves. With Sophia it felt like we were on show for everyone around us. She liked that I was the dangerous fighter, she liked looking like the small damsel with the Beast.
I think Christy simply wants to be here because I’m here and the pizza is good.
* * *
Driving back to the gym, the stress starts to weigh down on us.
Fuck, I know what the problem is—it’s all about the age difference—but fuck, we’re adults. And if shit’s not to our liking then fuck them, we can do what we want.
I walk quickly around the car and open her door for her. “Fuck them if they don’t like it, Christy. We are what we want to be, and I don’t give a shit about them or what they think.”
Nodding her head, she stands up straight and places her hand in mine. “You’re right.”
Heading into the building, I notice that the only people here are Chase, Dale, and Avery. The rest of the place has cleared out. Even the guys who usually stick around later are gone.
We walk over to the group and Chase bristles as he takes in our hands.
Christy tightens her grip on me as we move. At first she looked confidant, but that seems to be fading fast with each step we take towards them.
I know I’m confidant, but shit… now…
We stop in front of the group and Chase waves us all into his office. There are multiple chairs inside and a very small desk in one corner. Chase hates the typical looking office, and I have never seen him sit behind that desk once.
Everyone takes a seat and then we all look to each other, waiting for the other to start.
“So, what’s going on?” I ask.
Fuck the whole whoever speaks first loses. I want whatever they have to say on the table right now.
“How long has this been going on?” Dale asks.
“Since she needed a place to stay. It was the night before I pulled her over to you about the flyer.”
Nodding his head, he looks over to Chase, who asks Christy, “What happened in the cage tonight?”
Looking over, I watch Christy go pale. “What do you mean?”
“When you were in the cage with Mark, what happened?”
She looks down to her lap and then back up as if steeling herself. “He kept putting his hands all over my breasts.”
Dale’s voice goes cold when he asks, “Was he just trying to get you in a hold?”
I’m about to lose my shit at him when he pushes further. “Was he taking advantage of the blind spots, Christy? Was he groping you?”
Nodding her head, she stiffens and says too calmly, “Yeah, he was taking advantage of me and the fact you couldn’t see it.”
“God dammit! I’m going to fucking kill him!” Dale explodes as he shoots out of his chair.
Chase sits back like someone struck him. “That pile of shit…”
Avery is out of her chair in an instant, quickly running over to Christy.
I stand up as well since I have no clue what else to do. I want to put Mark through more pain but I know I am already pressing my luck with it. If I find Mark it wouldn’t just be simple assault… I would be looking at a murder rap.
Christy isn’t breaking down yet in Avery’s arms, but I can see she is holding back a tremendous weight inside of her.
Pulling Christy with her, Avery walks to the door and says, “Christy and I are going to my office for a bit.”
I’m tempted to follow but I doubt that I’d be wanted around right now.
“That’s why you were trying to put the little bitch through the lockers?” Chase asks.
I nod my head. “Yeah, I heard him bragging to the other two guys about what he did and planned to do to her. I can’t lie, I wasn’t rational when I started hurting him… I did make sure he hit me first though, if that makes a difference.”
Chase let’s out a dark bark of laughter. “It does help. Now, I need to get his ass in here for a man to boy talk.”
Lifting my eyebrow at him, he shakes his head, reading my mind apparently. “No, I won’t let him stay with the gym. He’s going to be booted. I will also make sure every contact I have knows what type of person he is. He won’t be able to get into a reputable gym again.
“Good, because if I see him again I will murder him.” Dale says quietly. “No one fucks with my girl and gets away with it.”
Sitting back down in my chair, I say, “So… Where does that leave Christy? She still needs a place to train for her upcoming fight. Dale, you’re the best trainer out there.”
“Like I said, she wasn’t kicked out of here. I just wanted you guys gone so I could get order back in place. Mark was saying some pretty bad shit about what he was going to have the cops do to you.”
I shrug my shoulders. “I can afford better lawyers than he could ever dream of, and with what happened to Christy I can plead temporary insanity.”
Clearing his throat, Dale looks from me to Chase before asking, “Speaking of which...”
“We haven’t done anything like what you guys are imagining, at least not yet. She needed a place to stay and I have so much extra space in the house I figured she could have a room. She’s Muffin’s babysitter now.”
Chase raises his eyebrow. “Muffin?”
“You know…” Dale laughs. “That big, black, hound of hell he has.”
Chase nods his head and sighs. “I just don’t like the idea one of my students… moving in with one of the fighters from here. It could really affect her reputation, or her head and shit.”
Shrugging my shoulders, I can see where he is coming from, but I’m not changing how things are.
Chapter Seventeen
Tonight has been too much. I haven’t felt this humiliated or ashamed since Travis attacked me in the shower. And being pushed to explain to Chase, Dale, Alex, and Avery what happened in the cage with Mark nearly broke me.
I feel so damn pathetic.
I just want to forget it ever happened. I want it to go away…
Didn’t I already tell Chase what happened earlier? Why do they have to push it? I don’t like my wounds to be out in the open, I prefer to keep them hidden inside.
When Avery wrapped me up in a hug and lead me over to her office, I was beyond grateful. The walk gives me a little time to get my shit together.
By the time she shuts the door behind us and motions to a chair, I’ve got my emotions under control.
I take a seat in the chair in front of her desk and look around. Her office couldn’t be more different from Chase’s. Where his office is barren and barely used, Avery’s office is warm, inviting and smells good. There are plants, curtains, and pictures of their family all over her desk. Directly in front of me is a picture of their twins, Emma and Emily, hugging each other. The two little girls are beaming at the camera, showing off their dimples.
“Did I ever tell you how Chase and I met?” Avery asks.
I shake my head and tear my eyes away from the picture to watch her approach. It’s obvious the twins get their good looks from her and not their beastly daddy. Avery is a curvy knockout with long, dark hair and beautiful eyes. Pregnant with their third child, her belly creates a little bump in her purple dress.
She picks a box of tissues off of her desk and offers it to me. “I met him at the fights. He was the defending heavyweight champion, and my best friend at the time was fighting against him.”
I accept the box of tissues and pull one out, using it to dab at my nose. “Your best friend fought against Chase?”
She nods her head and sits down on the chair beside me. “Yes. He lost, obviously.”
I nod my head. Of course he lost. Chase never lost the belt once he got it. He retired while still being the champion.
“And he was a sore loser, so he found a way to blame it on me.”
“Wow. That’s kind of crazy.”
Avery nods her head in agreement and looks past me as she tells me how Chase attacked her best friend, beating the crap out of the guy after he shoved her into a wall.
“If Dale and a security guard weren’t there to pull Chase off of Ethan, I’m not sure Ethan would have walked out of there alive.”
Looking back to me, she smiles, and I just don’t know what to say. Before tonight, the Chase I’ve always known has always been so calm and in control. It’s usually him keeping everyone else in check with his size and natural intimidation.
“He gave me a ride home that night, and then I just couldn’t get rid of him.”
I nod my head and crumple up my tissue in my hand.
“The reason I’m telling you this is because the guys around here are good guys. What happened isn’t going to sit well with them, especially Chase.”
“He’s not going to beat the crap out of Mark, is he?” I ask, a little afraid that this whole situation is going to escalate. I don’t want any of these guys going to jail.
Avery shakes her head. “No, though no doubt he wants to. Chase… he doesn’t look kindly on those that hurt women. Especially women that he cares about.”
“What do you mean?”
“Chase cares a great deal about you, Christy. That’s why he was so upset tonight.”
“Oh,” I say, surprised to learn that Chase cares about me, especially from Avery.
“And I care about you, too. We both want you to be safe.”
“I am safe,” I say immediately.
“Are you sure?” she presses and gives me a long pointed look like she knows something is going on with me.
I nod my head, becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the direction this conversation is going, though I know she honestly just wants to help me.
“Is there stuff going on at home that you want to talk about?”
I shake my head and look towards the door of her office, hoping that Alex or someone will come knocking and save me.
“You know you can talk to me, right?”
“Yes,” I answer just to placate her.
The last thing I need is more people getting involved in my business and trying to help me. It’s done. It’s over with. Travis can’t find me and I can forget him. If tonight has taught me anything, it’s that the more people that are involved, the worst things get.
“If you need a place to stay, you can stay with me and Chase. We can help you out, help you get on your feet.”
“Thank you,” I reply. “But I’m staying with Alex. He’s helping me.”
Avery hesitates for a moment, looking as if she wants to say more, but then shakes her head as if thinking better of it. “It’s an open invitation,” she says, smiling. “If you ever need anything…” She trails off, leaving the offer open.
After thanking Avery again, there’s not much else to say so we rejoin the guys. I don’t know what they talked about while we were gone but they all seem more relaxed, and the mood in the room is not nearly as tense.
Everyone is tired so after a few minutes we all say our goodbyes. Chase makes it very clear before we leave that we’re both welcome back to the gym.
Alex grabs my hand as we walk out the door and my body instantly responds to him. Just his hand touching my hand is enough to fill me with warm, tingly sensations.
The drive home is long and quiet.
Alex won’t relinquish his hold on my hand and I can’t help but feel hyperaware of him. His every breath. His every shift.
There are so many words hanging in the air between us, but I’m not ready to confront them just yet.
In the shadows, he’s a large looming mass beside me, radiating warmth and protection. I can’t help but lean myself towards him, soaking up his presence.
When we pull into the garage and get out of the car, there’s this moment of awkwardness now that there’s some distance between us. With no one else around, there’s no one to interrupt what could happen.
Alex walks to the door first, opening it up and greeting a very excited to see him Muffin. Squatting down, he scratches Muffin behinds her ears as she enthusiastically gives him kisses.
I watch them for a moment before he looks up at me, his dark eyes burning with one question.
Earlier, I wanted to… but now, after dealing with that Mark stuff, I just can’t.
“I’m tired…” I croak out, feeling my heart racing a million miles a minute. “I should probably go to bed.”
Alex nods and looks away, but not before I see the hope in his eyes turning to disappointment.
Like the coward I am, I squeeze past them, inching my way towards the stairs.
Alex’s dark gaze swings back around, locking on me. “I’m going to take a shower, but my door is open if you need me.”
I nod my head and force myself to walk, not run away from him, but I can’t stop thinking about what he said as I take the stairs two at a time.
His door is open…
How am I going to get any sleep knowing that?
Chapter Eighteen
Feeling every bit of the stress since the night Christy came home with me, I roll over in the bed, pushing up against a snoring mass of black fur and floppy legs.
Muffin has slept in the bed with me every night since I brought her home from the breeder. I tried the whole crate training thing… Shit, I even had her in a laundry basket on the bed with me. Nope, she wouldn’t stop crying until I pulled her next to me. She must like the warmth or something.
Or could be she has me wrapped around her paw. But whatever it is, I’m happy, and she is too.
Muffin must feel me stir as I roll onto my back. Scooting over to me, she lays her head on my stomach. My hand falls down to ruffle her ears as I say, “You look like you could use a day off.”
She doesn’t say anything as usual, but I’m pretty sure even if she doesn’t need one, I do. I’ve been going at it really fucking hard with the gym and dojo. My body is in perfect shape. My skills are as ready as they’ll ever be. Right now, it’s all about conditioning and keeping the momentum running forward.
It’s still dark outside, but I can see the first hints of light.
Sitting up, I stretch my shoulders. Fuck, they are tense. I can feel knots in my back as well. My body feels like one big tense coil. Too much drama, too much stress.
And not a getting my nut off in weeks is starting to make me feel like I’m a constant ere
I had to jerk off twice last night in the shower to get the thought of kissing Christy out of my head.
Was I disappointed we didn’t continue what we started in the car? Yes. Can’t lie about that.
Would I tell her I was disappointed? Hell no.
But fuck, that girl can kiss. I mean I had an erection so god damn hard I about ripped my pants.
That’s where the confused boner happened, though. I was also so fucking full of rage at Mark, and then pissed at Chase, that my blood was flowing all over the fucking place.
I should have hurt Mark much more than I did. It’s one thing to cheap shot an opponent in the ring—I’ve never done it, but that shit does happen—but doing it to a sparring partner is just fucking sick.
That he bragged about it, fuck, that’s sociopath shit right there. Like a rapist thing. He did it because he had power over her.
Kissing her feels like a mistake too, but I don’t think I can wish it didn’t happen. It feels like we took a step we were both too hesitant to take, and now that I’ve had time to think about it, and everything that was going on, it probably wasn’t the right time for it.
Fuck, and here comes the confused boner. My dick’s waking up from the thought of her, but then falling right back down at the thought of hurting her.
Fuck it. Today’s a day off. I need to destress, and I’m betting she does as well.
Standing up from the bed, I go through a quick stretching routine. I need to keep myself loose. Loose like a puddle of jelly. I know exactly what we need to do.
Muffin jumps off the bed with me then goes through stretching her front legs then her back. She likes to keep loose too.
“Go get Christy,” I say.
With a start, Muffin is off like a shot out of my room. She loves waking up Christy, and if I’m being honest, I think it’s funny as hell to hear her barking at her.
Getting dressed for our morning run, I smile to myself. I think the future is pretty clear. We’re going to get together, there’s no doubt about that.
In the past, I needed instant gratification. If a girl wasn’t ready to go fast, I was ready to leave right then. With Christy, I’m going to go with the slow approach.