Breaking Beast (Pounding Hearts) Read online

Page 12

  Fuck, it’s going to build up the anticipation like a motherfucker.

  Should I worry she was only kissing me in the heat of the moment? Nah, there was absolutely no way she could have kissed me back that damn good if she didn’t want me as much as I want her.

  Going slow will be okay, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be doing my damn best to distract the fuck out of her. I saw how she looked at my chest when I took off my shirt.

  She wants to jump my shit.

  Walking down the hall, I hear her grouching at Muffin to quit licking her. Stopping outside her door, I say loudly, “Let’s get moving. We need to put some muscle on them string bean legs of yours.”

  “I don’t have string bean legs!” she yells back at me.

  Laughing, I head down the stairs. She doesn’t, not at all. Those fucking legs of hers are made for looking at. She is sculpted and sexy as hell. It’s going to suck waiting for her to show me she’s ready for the next step, but it’s so going to be worth it.

  * * *

  She comes out of the garage to see me stretching my arms over my head and twisting my torso. Fuck, I’m still stiff. Last night really did have me in knots.

  Standing just outside of the garage, her mouth falls open for a moment.

  I smirk at her. “Ready to go?”

  “You’re not wearing a shirt?”

  “Nah, I’ll just end up sweating through it.”

  “Oh,” she says then walks over to me, going through her stretches.

  We take off together and I smile at her as I keep pace, not ahead or behind. Just right there next to her.

  I catch her taking peeks at me during our run, and I do the same with her bouncing chest. Fuck, I can’t wait until I get to rub, suck and nip at her breasts.

  The one time she sees me watching her, she turns bright red. She does try to outpace me but I just keep right next to her. Like I said, I’m not going to make this easy for her.

  When we finally make it back to the house, we’re both pretty damn sweaty. Using a towel to wipe down, I make sure I do all I can to emphasize certain parts of my abs.

  Heading inside, I quickly cook up a couple of steaks to go with our eggs. Lately, I’ve started adding spices and salsa to the eggs to give them a kick.

  Sitting everything down in front of her, I watch as she wolfs down the food. She’s been eating more and packing on some healthy weight and it is definitely showing.

  “We’re taking a day off today.”

  Her eyes shoot up from her plate. “Why? Are we allowed?”

  Chuckling loudly, I nod my head. “Yeah, we’re adults, we get to make those decisions. It’s a calculated one, as well. We need to destress. I can tell from the way you are running and sitting that you’re still full of tension. We need to fix that, for the both of us.”

  “I still have to work today. At the restaurant that is.”

  Frowning, I ask, “Can you call off?”

  “I guess, but why?”

  “I have a place we need to go to. It’s going to help us both a lot.”

  “Okay, let me go call in.”

  Waiting for her to return to the table, I run through my head the plans I have for the next couple of weeks. It’s going to be a busy time, and this is probably the last bit of free time I have left. There’s going to be press conferences, weigh-ins, the fight, and more press shit.

  “Okay, I got today off, but they were a bit angry.”

  “Do you actually like working at that place?”

  Shrugging her shoulders, she says, “No, but it’s my job and it pays.”

  I shake my head. “You need to focus more on the future. That job is holding you back.”

  She laughs a bit sourly. “That job pays the bills. I have to save up if I want to do this full-time, don’t I?”

  “No, not really…”

  “Are you saying I shouldn’t fight?”

  “No, more that you should quit. The burger place doesn’t fit.”

  “And how would I be able to afford that?”

  I lift my shoulders in a shrug. “Same way you’re doing it now. You live here, you keep Muffin happy, and you train with me. We get you ready to be your best.”

  She rolls her eyes at that suggestion. “Doesn’t that make me dependent on you then?”

  “No, you’re going to win your fight and the one after that. It will start to pay off, and if you want to move out after that then go for it. But right now you need to focus on the future and take advantage of this rich old man’s generosity.”

  Her face scrunches up as she thinks for a moment and I can tell she’s tempted. “I can’t just quit like that on them, I wouldn’t feel right doing that.”

  “Give them your two weeks tomorrow.”

  “Maybe. Let me think about it.”

  Nodding my head, I stand up and clear the plates off the table. Doing the dishes goes quickly now that I have someone doing them with me.

  “So where are you taking me?” she asks as we get into the car.

  “We’re going to get therapeutic massages. I plan on being a puddle of jelly by the time they are done with me.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  The last place I expected Alex to take me on our day off was a day spa, and I sure as hell didn’t count on us sharing a private room.

  “Uh?” I hum as the receptionist darts off, closing the door behind her. “Did you…” I ask as my eyes sweep over everything.

  The room is small and cozy with two long tables and a small sitting area. Rose petals have been sprinkled over the tables and a bottle of champagne with strawberries has been left for us to enjoy. The only light comes from flickering red candles placed on little shelves around the room.

  The whole setup is very romantic, and I thought we were only here for a training respite.

  “Fuck no. They must think we’re a couple,” Alex rumbles and his dark brows furrow together. “Do you want me to…”

  I chew on my lip for a moment before shaking my head. I’ve never had a massage before and I think I’d feel more comfortable with him in the room.

  “No, this will work. I’m actually a little nervous about a stranger having his hands all over me,” I admit.

  Alex’s already dark eyes darken with something I can’t quite place. “Are you sure?”

  I nod my head and walk up to the left table.

  Fingering the stack of sheets left on the end, I ask. “Are we supposed to get naked and wear these?”

  Alex makes a little choking sound and I glance back at him.

  “Yeah,” he says, his face a little flushed. “That’s usually what you do.”

  I grab the sheet and snap it out. It’s definitely long enough to cover me from head to toe.

  “Okay,” I say. “We’ll take turns changing. First me then you?”

  “Sure,” Alex agrees gruffly before clearing his throat.

  “No peeking,” I tell him then I toss the sheet over his head.

  He chuckles as I toe off my shoes. “The same goes for you.”

  I huff as I grab the sheet off of his table then push down my shorts. “Like I’d sneak a peek of you, Old Man.”

  “I saw you checking me out earlier,” he says cockily. “You couldn’t keep your tongue inside your mouth while we were running.”

  “Whatever,” I growl at him and toss my shorts at his head. They thump him in the face and slide down to the floor.

  I pull my shirt up next and watch him closely. Can he see through the sheet? A little, deviant part of me hopes he can.

  I was up all night last night, thinking of him and what could have been. I don’t know how many times I was tempted to climb out of my bed and into his. My lips wouldn’t stop burning from his kiss.

  But it didn’t feel right. It felt like it would be tarnished by everything else that happened so I fought against the temptation and eventually fell asleep.

  This morning, though, I woke up with my heart heavy with regret. And
then our run… he just had to run with his shirt off, teasing me. Tempting me…

  Two can play that game.

  I take my time unsnapping my bra and pretend I don’t hear his little sharp indrawn breath.

  Oh, he can see all right.

  “Do you come here a lot?” I ask, folding up my bra.

  “Yeah,” he says roughly and has to once more clear his throat. “Especially after a fight. It can take a few weeks to loosen up after you’ve been beat on.”

  I stack my bra on top of my shirt and then slowly slide my panties down. My heart is pounding so loud I can hear the pounding in my ears.

  Before I get my panties all the way down to the floor, there’s a light rapping on the door.

  “Are you ready?” A muffled voice asks.

  I freeze in surprise, my panties at my hips.

  “No,” Alex bellows so loudly I hear the person on the other side of the door gasp.

  “Okay!” They squeak. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  I wait a couple of heartbeats before unfreezing.

  “Wow,” I say, pushing my panties down and quickly stepping out of them. “I hope they’re massaging you and not me.”

  Alex only grunts as I wrap the sheet around me.

  Walking to the side of the table, I climb up and then spread out. Once I’ve got the sheet covering all the important parts of me, I tell him, “I’m done; you can look now.”

  I hear the whispering of the sheet as he pulls it off his head but don’t glance back.

  “I promise I won’t peek,” I remind him and lay my head on my arms, trying to relax.

  It feels like only a couple of seconds pass before I see movement out of the corner of my eye. I said I wouldn’t peek but unconsciously I glance over. Alex is shirtless with the white sheet I threw at his head wrapped around his hips. The white of the sheet is a stark contrast against his bronze skin and I can’t stop my eyes from drinking him in.

  “You said you wouldn’t peek,” he smirks, and I realize my damn jaw is hanging open.

  I snap my teeth together and turn my head away. My face feels hot with embarrassment. I stare at the wall, willing my body to cool down.

  I’m just too damn aware of him. It’s as if all of my senses are attuned to him, straining towards him.

  My ears strain, picking up every little creak and grunt as he climbs up on his table. I can picture what he looks like inside my head without actually seeing him.

  The bulge of his biceps as he pulls himself up. All the muscles in his back flexing and relaxing as he stretches out. If the sheet slipped down, I could get a peek of his…

  Now that I think about it, maybe getting a massage together was a bad idea.

  His sheets rustle and he groans. “I’ve been long overdue for this.” A moment later he tells me, “You can look now.”

  I don’t glance over at him, focusing instead on one of the flickering candles, watching the flame dance. I don’t want his already massive ego to think I’m eager to look at him, even if deep down inside I am.

  “Christy?” he asks after a long moment and I finally drag my eyes away from the candle to glance over at him. “Are you okay?”

  Our eyes meet and my embarrassment withers under the weight of his concern. “Yes, I’m fine. Why?”

  “You seem a little…” he trails off.

  Upset about the effect you’re having on me? I finish for him inside my head.

  “I’m fine,” I reassure him again. “Just a little nervous.”

  Maybe if I took advantage of his open invitation last night, I wouldn’t be so damn wound up.

  There’s a rapping at the door and this time a deep, masculine voice asks, “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” I call out before Alex has a chance to scare them off again.

  I hear the door open and glance back. A man and a woman wearing crisp white uniforms walk in.

  The man flashes a grin so bright it’s nearly blinding. “Good afternoon,” he says cheerfully. “I’m Justin, and this is Sarah.”

  Sarah smiles and gives a little wave.

  “We’ll be your masseuses today.” Justin laces his fingers together and then flexes them in front of him, causing them to pop. “Are you ready to get started?”

  Much to my chagrin, I don’t get Sarah for my masseuse, I get stuck with Justin. Don’t get me wrong, Justin’s a good masseuse, and he has nice soft hands, it’s just that I’m not used to being touched by a stranger.

  Especially if the stranger is a man.

  Urging me to just relax, Justin’s hands are strong and his fingers work deep into my flesh, but I can’t fully appreciate it because I can’t stop myself from focusing on Alex and all the little noises he’s making.

  Alex and Sarah laugh easily together, and every couple of seconds he’s groaning with pleasure.

  Those groans, they hit me hard. I feel them resonating deep in my core, and it’s a struggle not to squirm against my table. A struggle not to react as Justin’s hands rub me down. A struggle not to be bitter that it’s him touching me and not Alex.

  “How’s that feel?” Justin asks, his fingers working my shoulders.

  “Good,” I reply stiffly.

  “Are you sure?” he says with a touch of disbelief. “You haven’t loosened up at all.”

  I don’t know how to respond to that so I don’t. I can’t admit that I’m all tense and stiff because I’m sexually frustrated. I don’t know how to deal with this shit.

  “Here, let me try this,” he says, his hands leaving me for a moment.

  I glance over my shoulder and watch him squirt something into his hands. Rubbing his palms together, he flashes me a bright grin before placing his hands back on me.

  He touches my lower back, thumbs pushing towards my spine.

  I rest my cheek on my arm and close my eyes. At first I don’t notice a difference and then all at once it hits. Everywhere he touches me burns with heat.

  “What is that?” I gasp, little shivers traveling up my spine.

  “It’s a warming oil to help you loosen up.”

  I have to clench my teeth together to keep from groaning oh my god.

  His hands knead my lower back, thumbs sliding below the sheet. I almost jump off the table.

  “Relax,” Justin purrs.

  His hands knead their way back up and my skin prickles, breaking out with goosebumps.

  Alex lets out a particularly long groan that causes my toes to curl.

  I’m so hot and worked up as Justin’s hands reach my shoulders again, his fingers digging deep, I feel like I’m melting all over the table.

  The massage goes on for thirty more minutes. By the time it ends I’m practically panting and drooling all over myself.

  “So, what do you think?” Alex asks, and it takes me a moment to realize that I’ve completely zoned out under Justin’s hands.

  “That was amazing,” I sigh and wiggle against the table.

  Alex laughs. “I’ll have to leave them a big tip.”

  “Oh yes,” I agree and close my eyes again.

  “I guess I’ll get dressed first. No peeking.”

  I’m so relaxed I don’t have the strength to peek my eyes open.

  I start to drift off again when Alex says, “Alright, your turn. Do you want me to leave the room?”

  I roll over without even thinking and sit up. “No, that’s okay…”

  Alex makes a sound that’s a mix between a gasp and a choke. I open my eyes and frown at him in confusion. His eyes are wide and focused on my chest.

  Glancing down, I remember that I’m topless.

  “Shit! Sorry!” I yelp, yanking the sheet back up.

  He takes one step towards the table then stops, thinking better of it.

  “I’ll be in the lobby,” he says gruffly and turns sharply, walking quickly out of the room.

  The door slams shut behind him but I’m in such a good mood, I’m not even upset. No, I tip my head back and laugh.

nbsp; Serves him right. He can consider that payback for this morning.

  Chapter Twenty


  After getting dressed, I meet Alex in the lobby.

  “Mind if we stop by the mall?” he asks me as we walk to the car. “I need to pick up some new shoes.”

  I shake my head as he opens my door for me. “I don’t mind.”

  If I’m being completely honest with myself, I don’t care where we go today as long as I get to spend more time with him.

  He grins at me and our bodies brush against each other as I slide into my seat. I hide my shiver of pleasure as he closes my door for me.

  Damn, if I’m not careful I’m going to be drooling all over myself again.

  Alex continues to grin as he slides behind the wheel and pulls us out of the parking lot.

  Seeing him so happy and relaxed outside of the gym is a new thing for me, a good thing, and something inside me swells to know he’s enjoying being with me.

  Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve felt like such a burden, forced to rely so much on him. I sensed he was only putting up with me because his own sense of honor demanded it or something. He couldn’t just leave me to fend for myself because his conscience wouldn’t let him.

  But things have changed since he kissed me. It’s like that tension between us has evolved. Frustration has transformed into anticipation.

  As we drive, I keep sneaking little glances over at him.

  When will he kiss me again?

  Waiting for it to happen is going to drive me crazy.

  He’s pulled back since we were called back to the gym. Yet I don’t get the feeling it’s because he regrets what happened. No, it feels like he’s giving me space, but today I don’t feel like I need it.

  I want him to kiss me again, I just don’t know how to make it happen.

  Maybe he’s waiting until tonight, or maybe he’s waiting for me to give him a sign.

  If only I had more experience with men, I’d know how to put things into motion…

  I’m so distracted that when we reach the mall I somehow let Alex talk me into letting him buy me not one but two new pairs of shoes. He claims the shoes I’m wearing are gross and I need a pair solely for running. He’s not wrong but I still don’t like him spending his money on me.