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Breaking Beast (Pounding Hearts) Page 19

  We head out shortly after breakfast, Christy in the driver’s seat and me in the passenger. This has been happening more and more often as of late. She loves this car as much as I do and having Muffin as a co-pilot makes it pretty clear I am going to need to do something about Christy not having a car. Those two go everywhere together lately.

  Maybe when she wins her fight, I’ll get her one as a reward. Something like mine but bright pink or whatever color she likes.

  She doesn’t like me saying she’s going to win her fight, like there is any other option, but it’s true. We, as her team, will not allow her to falter.

  She’s got this in the bag.

  Dropping me off in front of the corporate offices, she leans over and gives me a deep, smoldering kiss. “Knock ‘em dead in there.”

  Laughing, I say, “That’s my intention. They want me in a contract and I am going to make them court me. That new outfit out east in New York is offering lots of money for people to jump ship.”

  “Would you really consider going there?”

  “Nah. I know some of the higher-ups, and they treat their fighters like shit if they’re not a top name.”

  She nods her head and I hug her before turning to plant a kiss on Muffin’s head. “Be a good girl and keep Christy in line.”

  “Hey! I can do just…” I don’t hear the rest as I shut the door to the car.

  She gives me a honk but takes off just fine.

  Chapter Thirty


  Driving down the street with the windows down and the wind in my hair, there’s a freedom I don’t get to experience anywhere else. Here, behind the wheel, I feel truly at ease. I can go anywhere I want to go.

  I’m completely and totally free.

  In the passenger seat, Muffin rides beside me with her head hanging out the window and her long pink tongue flapping in the breeze.

  We’re just two girls out on the town, enjoying our day. Just taking it easy while we wait for Alex to finish his contract negotiations.

  We’ve probably been driving around for about twenty minutes when my phone starts buzzing.

  Thinking it’s Alex, I answer right away.

  “Hey!” I say cheerfully. “You’re done early.”

  “Christy.” Nicole’s voice comes through the speakers sounding rather deflated.

  Immediately I feel a pang of guilt because I haven’t really been talking to her lately. In fact, we haven’t hung out since I’ve moved in with Alex. We’ve made plenty of plans to meet up but every time the day rolls around something always seems to come up. I’ve just been so busy with work and training.

  “What’s up?” I ask. “Are you okay? You sound upset…”

  “I’m sorry,” she says. “I truly am.”

  “For what?” I ask with a bit of trepidation. What could she possibly be sorry for?

  The speakers crack and it sounds like the phone is being jostled or something.

  Travis’ voice comes through the speakers, nearly giving me a heart attack. “Hey Christy.”

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  I want to hang up and reach for the button but then he speaks up as if he can read my mind. “If you hang up your little friend is going to get it.”

  “Don’t you fucking dare touch her,” I warn him and feel such a strong surge of adrenaline my hands start shaking.

  Travis laughs and the sheer creepiness of it sends shivers down my spine. “Why? Jealous?”

  Is he serious?

  “No…” I say slowly and pull off the road, parking in the lot of a pizza joint.

  Muffin looks over at me and gives a bark of complaint. I reach over and scratch her behind her ears to keep her calm.

  “Good,” he says. “You don’t have to be, baby. All I want is to see you.”

  Not going to happen, I think, but know better than to tell him that.

  “Sorry, Travis, I’m really busy—“

  “The fuck you are,” he says angrily. “I know you quit your job at Burger Bells. What the fuck have you been doing?”

  “I’ve been busy doing other stuff,” I say evasively.

  “Who the fuck have you been seeing?”

  Fuck. If he didn’t threaten Nicole, I wouldn’t be putting up with this shit. As it is, I have no choice but to say, “No one.”

  “I don’t believe you,” he says accusingly.

  I want to tell him I don’t care but decide to bite my tongue instead.

  “Look,” he says after a moment, sounding as if he’s trying very hard to remain calm. “I just want to see you. I miss you. You need to swing by the house.”

  “I can’t, I’m busy—“

  “Stop fucking saying that!” he snaps loudly. “I don’t give a fuck what you’re doing. You will meet me at the house.”

  I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself, then release it slowly. “And if I don’t?”

  “You know all those pictures of your mom you stashed in the back of your closet?”

  “Yeah,” I answer, my stomach sinking like a rock. Of course he’s been through my things. I’m so stupid for thinking they were safe.

  “I’ll fucking burn them all.”


  “Don’t fucking try to sweet talk me. I’m sick of playing games, Christy. I’ve waited two years for you!”

  How do I even argue with him? He’s gone completely off the deep end and he’s taking me with him. It’s not like he was ever really stable before… but somehow he’s gotten even worse. It could be the drugs, or the booze, but honestly I think they’re only intensifying his natural crazy.

  Inside my head, I cycle through my options but ultimately I only end up feeling utterly screwed. What can I do?

  I could involve the police, but then he’d probably destroy the pictures just to spite me. And I can’t lose them, I can’t. They’re all I have left of my mom.

  I could get the guys involved from the gym, maybe call Chase, Dale, or Avery. But I don’t want them involved in this because it’s so damn humiliating.

  And Alex. Fuck. I really don’t want him involved in this. It might make him think twice about our relationship. What if he decides I’m too much drama and decides to leave me?

  I suppose the only thing to do is to confront Travis. To deal with this for once and for all.

  “Fine,” I say with a sigh and slump against my seat. “I’ll meet you, but you better not fuck with Nicole.”

  “She’s fine,” he tries to reassure me but he sounds too gleeful for comfort.

  “I’m fucking serious, Travis! She’s a minor, if you fuck with her you’re in deep shit.”

  Not to mention I’ll cut his little dick off.

  “I haven’t done shit to her,” he says defensively. “I just wanted to talk to you.”

  “Put her on the phone. I want to talk to her.”

  “For fuck’s sake, fine!”

  The speakers pop and crackle and then Nicole’s voice comes through. “Christy?”

  “Hey, are you okay? He hasn’t…” I trail off. I can’t even get the rest of the question past my lips without feeling sick.

  “No, he and his friends just threatened to wreck my car if I didn’t get in touch with you.”

  “Shit. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m sorry too,” she sighs.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m sorry you got dragged into this.”

  “It’s not your—,” she starts then stops. “Oh, good, they’re leaving,” she says a moment later. “Wait. Travis wants to talk to you again.”

  “Give me that,” I hear Travis growl in the background and then his voice is coming through loud and clear. “I’ll see you at the house. You’ve got thirty minutes.”

  “I’m an hour away.”

  “Thirty minutes,” he snaps and then my phone beeps as the line goes dead.

  I pound my hands on the steering wheel. “Shit!”

  Beside me Muffin whines and I feel like an ass for upsetting her. Leaning b
ack, I reach over and give her a good scratch behind the ears and a pat on the head.

  “Looks like we gotta stop by my house real quick,” I tell her. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  She stares at me and then licks her nose.

  “I’ll take that as a no,” I sigh. “Hang on, girl, we don’t have much time to get there.”

  Throwing the car into drive, I squeal out of the parking lot and hit the main road.

  Thank god Alex’s car is packing some serious horsepower otherwise I don’t think I’d make it in time. I drive like a madwoman the entire way, maintaining a speed of at least eighty-five and blowing through every yellow light.

  I’m actually hoping to beat Travis to the house. There’s a tiny chance he could totally be bluffing about my pictures.

  Pulling onto my street, my hopes soar even more when I see that the driveway is empty. Parking in front of the garage, my heart races so fast I have to take a moment to calm myself before getting out the car. I can’t believe I actually beat him here.

  Walking over to Muffin’s side, I open the door and let her out. It’s way too hot outside to leave her in the car, and in this neighborhood I can’t just leave the car running.

  Walk-running up to the front door, I try the handle to find it unlocked. I’m in too much of a hurry to wonder about all the good luck I’m having. Rushing inside, Muffin is hot on my heels as I make a dash for my room.

  “Christy!” Travis calls out from behind me and I spin around to face him.

  I guess my luck is rotten after all.


  Travis grins at me and lifts the little box filled with pictures of my mom. “Looking for this?”

  So much for hoping he was just bluffing.

  “Travis,” I say calmly, trying my best not to freak out. “Please give me the box. You know those are all I have left of my mom.”

  Travis’ eyebrows twitch and a smug grin lights up his face. “What are you going to give me for it if I do?”

  Beside me, Muffin sniffs the air, eyeing Travis warily.

  I resist the urge to jump forward and try to wrestle the box away, telling him instead that, “You’ll have my eternal gratitude.”

  His smug smile turns into an outright smirk and his eyes gleam. “You know that’s not going to fucking fly. You know I want more than that from you.”

  “Why?” I ask desperately. “Why do you want anything from me?”

  He takes a step forward and I sense Muffin tensing beside me. “Because I love you.”

  I shake my head in denial and he takes another step forward.

  “Stop,” I say but he keeps coming.

  “I love you, Christy,” he says, stopping right in front of me. “You belong to me.”

  “I don’t love you, Travis. Not in that way…”

  His face darkens and his eyes narrow. “You will,” he says angrily and reaches out, grabbing me. “If you stop fucking running away.”

  I shake my head as he pulls me closer. “I’ll never love you like that. You’ll always be like a brother to me.”

  His fingers tighten around my neck, pinching me painfully. “I’m not your fucking brother.”

  “Please, stop,” I plead. “I don’t want to hurt you…”

  Even after everything he’s done to me, I don’t want to hurt him. I just want him to let me be.

  He pulls me closer until the box of pictures between us is digging into my stomach. “You’re mine, Christy.” He snarls. “Mine, and I’m not letting you get away again.”

  Reaching up, I push at his chest, holding him away from me. “Please Travis, please stop this. I’ll never love you, I’m already in love with somebody—“

  “I fucking knew it!” he exclaims, cutting me off. “I fucking knew, you little whore.”

  He shoves me away from him and as I stumble back, catching my balance, Muffin growls a warning.

  As if he finally realizes she’s here, Travis glances towards Muffin and asks, “Where did the mutt come from?”

  My pulse is racing so fast I feel sick to my stomach but I’m done with the lies. I’m done with trying to placate him.

  It’s never worked, anyway.

  “She belongs to the guy I’m seeing,” I say.

  A flush of red creeps up Travis’ neck and for whatever reason I notice his veins are bulging before he jumps me.

  The box of pictures falls to the floor at our feet as he shoves me against the wall. “What’s his fucking name?” he screams in my face. “What’s his fucking name? I’ll kill him.”

  My head snaps back, the back connecting with the wall painfully. He grabs me by the hair, pulling, ripping. “Did he fucking touch you?! Did you fuck him?!”

  I don’t even get a chance to answer him before he’s crying out and jumping away.

  “Fucking bitch!” he screams and then kicks Muffin off of his leg.

  Muffin lets out a high pitched yelp of pain and something snaps inside of me.

  “Don’t you fucking hurt her,” I scream and shove him away.

  He stumbles back, but it’s not enough for me.

  As he stares at me in shocked surprise, I lash out, punching him in the face. My fist just misses his chin, connecting with his left cheek instead. His head snaps back, and he takes one step backwards before crumbling to the floor.

  Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to knock him out this time. The dog-kicking-bastard is still awake.

  “Christy,” he groans, grabbing the side of his face.

  Breathing too quickly, I’m on the verge of hyperventilating as dots dance before my eyes. I stare at Travis as he sits on the floor, cradling his face, for a moment before it dawns on me that this my chance to escape.

  Eyes darting around frantically, I spot my box on the floor and pick it up quickly. Travis starts to get to his feet and I want to cry at the thought of leaving all the spilled pictures behind.

  “Christy,” he groans again. “Don’t—“

  “Fuck you, Travis,” I spit out at him angrily, on the verge of tears. I didn’t want it to come to this, I didn’t. “If you come after me again, I’ll fucking kill you.”

  Muffin walks up to me and noses my leg, reminding me we need to get out of here before things get even more crazy.

  “Baby, I know you’re angry, but don’t run away,” he pleads.

  Fuck, he just doesn’t get it. He’s too damn insane.

  I give him a look of disgust and then turn away. Walking quickly to the door, I hear him groaning as he straightens to his feet.

  Opening the front door, I step out with Muffin keeping up beside me. Glancing back quickly, I see Travis limping to catch up with us.

  Muffin must have got him good.

  “Come on, girl, we have to hurry,” I say as we run for the car. Opening the driver’s side door, I help Muffin climb inside.

  Following behind her, I get the door closed and locked just before Travis reaches me. He slaps his hand against the window, staring at me.

  “Christy,” he says pleadingly.

  My hand shakes as I push the key into the ignition and turn the engine over.

  “Christy,” he repeats more angrily as the car roars to life. “Don’t you fucking leave!”

  I ignore him and throw the car in reverse. He tries to follow as I back out onto the street.

  “I’ll fucking find you, you little whore!” he screams as I stop and put the car into drive.

  He gives the side of the car a kick and then I hit the gas, peeling down the street and leaving him behind.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Walking into the house, I can’t help but grin like the motherfucking Cheshire Cat. I’ve secured a three year, five fight contract with a hefty bonus structure for securing the belt.

  It looks like my fight going the way it did made the company very happy, like happy enough that they hardly put up a fight over my requests. I went ready to put up a fight to ensure I got a fair deal. Fuck, I was ready for a knockdown,
drag out brawl with paper, but shit like that didn’t even happen.

  We spent thirty minutes talking, and fifteen minutes signing. Shit, I didn’t even have to bust out my special bartering skills. They dropped a contract in front of me with enough zeros on it to keep me in the company for the next three years without a fucking care in the world.

  Fuck me, when I see a contract going into eight figures, I’m not going to say no. Especially with win bonuses attached to it.

  After everything was said and done, I didn’t even have to call Christy for a lift home. They sent me back home in a fancy town car with a fucking chauffeur.

  Walking through the front door of the house feels odd to me though. There’s no Muffin there to greet me, no Christy dancing around the house with her earbuds in.

  Nothing but quiet.

  I look around the living room for a moment and grimace. I like my girls home with me. I think I’ve gotten accustomed to Christy being a part of my life.

  Fuck, I’m already deeply in love with her. I just need to make sure she is on the same page as me. She better be…

  I head upstairs to change into a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt then I head into the kitchen.

  If the girls aren’t home, I can cheat a little and make a frozen pizza. If I’m quick enough, I won’t get the stink eye from them and the guilty looks for not sharing.

  Popping my head into the freezer, I hear the door leading into the kitchen open. Shit. No secret pizza for me.

  Leaning back, I watch Christy and Muffin walk through the door, the former carrying a tattered box in her arms.

  Something’s off though, because Muffin isn’t her happy-go-lucky self. She’s on high alert, head up and eyes on a swivel.

  Christy tips me off that something is really fucked when I see her eyes widen in shock at seeing me. I would be worried about that if it weren’t for the black tracks on her cheeks from her mascara running.

  Rushing to wrap my arms around Christy, I notice how Muffin waits a moment before slamming the side of her body into my legs. It’s a good thing that Christy doesn’t seem to mind us dropping into a pile of limbs on the floor because I pull both of them into my arms.