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Breaking Beast (Pounding Hearts) Page 7
Breaking Beast (Pounding Hearts) Read online
Page 7
Lifting his wide shoulders in a shrug, Alex swallows his bacon and stands from the table.
His lack of an answer isn’t very reassuring.
I grab my backpack from the floor and stand with him. “Do you?” I press.
Now I’m feeling really full and apprehensive. It’s so not a good mix.
Alex shrugs his shoulders again and walks over to the refrigerator, pulling out our lunches. “I don’t know. You’ll have to ask him.”
Dammit. I was afraid of that.
Chapter Ten
Breakfast has been tense the past few days. It’s like we’re both not saying something but I can’t figure out what it is. It could be about the time I caught her checking me out, but I think there is more underneath that hasn’t reached the surface yet.
Fuck it, that’s my specialty—burying and ignoring. That’s probably why I haven’t settled down yet like Chase and the rest of them. I ignore problems and walk away from a relationship when it gets to be too much work.
I don’t like it when things become difficult. I like to have a woman for a couple months then move on.
Christy sticking around the house for however long is going to make shit tricky, but whatever. She can’t go back to sleeping in the slums because she’s got too hard of a fucking head.
I won’t allow it.
Watching Christy get out of the car and walk into the restaurant, I feel that familiar tingle in the back of my head telling me I need to get laid and let out some of this pressure building up inside my balls.
I pull away from the restaurant and head back towards the main drag.
“Damn! I need to get laid,” I grumble. Jerking off in a shower isn’t doing jack shit.
Stopping at a red light, I quickly swipe through my contacts, looking for something to stand out to me. Melody’s name looks just about perfect.
Putting her on speakerphone, I press dial button.
“Mmm, where have you been, Beast?” she asks me as soon as she picks up the phone.
“Working my ass off, girl. What are you up to tonight?”
“I was going to hang out with some friends. But if you know of something better…”
Shit, she seemed like a really good idea before I hit dial. Now… I feel bored with her already.
“Shit, the boss is calling me, let me call you back,” I say right before I disconnect.
Okay, so not Melody, she’s just not what I want.
Looking through the phone, I spot Sophia and press dial. She will work.
“Hey Alex.”
“Sophia, let’s get some dinner tonight? What do you think?”
“Sure, when?”
“How about I pick you up at eight?” I ask.
“Okay, sounds good to me. I’m about to head into court… I’ll see you then,” she says before she hangs up.
Good, I got a date lined up. This should help me get back on track. I need to get over whatever the fuck my head is going on about and the best way to do that is to get under a beautiful woman.
* * *
Rolling to a stop in front of Sophia’s apartment, I point my head up at the high-rise apartment. I look at the glass reflecting the downtown night lights in all their splendor.
This city is pretty damn cool looking when you look at its reflection.
Hopping out of the car, I shut and lock my doors. I may be in a nice area of town but that’s no reason to risk it. Shit, when I picked up Christy at the shitty little restaurant, I had to sit there with the doors unlocked waiting for her. She really needs to transfer to a nicer place or quit.
I can’t figure out though, why she seemed agitated with me when I told her I was going out on a date with Sophia. It’s not like I’m going to sit there all night long playing nanny to her young ass.
She’s eighteen, she’s an adult now. I don’t have to babysit her, do I? Wipe her ass and change her diapers?
Walking into the apartment building, I push the button on the elevator. Maybe I should have chosen Melody. At least with her I could have just honked the horn like some asshole teenager and watch her come out of her house.
Sophia is nothing if not punctual. When I ring her doorbell, she answers it within a few moments.
Looking me up and down, she says, “It’s been a couple of weeks, Alex. Where have you been hiding yourself?”
Smiling, I look at her body and instantly feel something completely different than the last time I went out with her. I feel like she’s just not what I was wanting. I have to mentally yank myself up by my ears from the letdown feeling in my stomach and give her a smile.
“The usual—gym, dojo, then home. Got my fight coming up in two weeks.”
Walking out of her apartment, she says, “Is it that time again, already? I thought you had said you were taking time off.”
“Time off between fights, Sophie, not from fighting.”
Wrinkling her nose, she says, “Sophia. You know I don’t like people shortening my name.”
Thankfully, I’m walking behind her because I’m rolling my eyes. I haven’t forgotten, I just don’t really care.
We head out to the restaurant in my car even though she would much rather take her sensible BMW. She hates being flashy, I guess.
Shit, I am really trying to remember why I even liked being around this chick as she keeps rolling her eyes at my dinner plate.
“Must you eat all of that meat? It’s like you had the chef slaughter a whole cow.”
“I’m still in training for the upcoming match, Sophia. I have to keep my body in shape.”
Nodding her head, I can see the gears in there working. She’s really only with me because of how damn good my body looks, I bet. I mean, we have absolutely zero in common beyond thinking the other one is hot. Well, that and being really good in the sack together.
Food done, we start driving back to her apartment. Normally we head to my house for a long night of hot sex but I don’t think that’s such a good idea tonight with Christy there.
Sophia must have not been paying attention to where we are going because when she looks up from her phone, she asks, “Why are we going back to my apartment?”
“Something wrong with us spending time together there?”
“Yeah, I have to clean up your mess in the morning.”
What the fuck? What mess? I ask myself.
“I have a house guest at mine. I figured it would be a little more comfortable this way.”
“Oh. Well…” she trails off as her phone chirps at her. Sticking her nose back into the phone, she goes back to ignoring me.
When we get back to her building, I walk around the car to open up her door for her and I feel a rumble of annoyance in my stomach. She doesn’t bother to say thank you or even really acknowledge my presence.
That damn phone.
Walking behind her, I notice her bun is so tight it doesn’t budge at all on her head, and her pencil skirt doesn’t reveal nearly as much as it would have on Christy.
Christy and that juicy ass she has when she runs…
Fuck. That is so not who I need to be thinking about right now.
What was once attractive with Sophia is now just annoying me as I stand beside her in the elevator. Fake blonde hair, nose stuck up in the air, and that boring attitude is just not working for me.
I need feistiness. I need to be challenged. I don’t need to be fucking falling into some boring routine with a woman who doesn’t even really know me.
Just a fuck and I’m out of here.
She opens up her door and I follow her inside. Finally, she sets her phone down and turns to me.
Somewhere between the first floor and walking into her apartment she lost all sexual appeal to me.
“Let’s get this started, Beast, I have to be in court super…”
Bringing my hands up, I shake my head. “Nah, not tonight, Sophie. I think the food’s turned on me.”
“Are you kidding me,
Alex?” she asks shrilly, and I try not to wince as I open her door.
Turning back to face her, I can’t resist saying, “Yeah, sorry, babe, but I’m sure that phone will keep you occupied. Maybe turn it on vibrate?”
There’s a loud thump against the door after I close it and I can’t help but smirk.
* * *
Pulling into the garage, I breathe a sigh of relief. Tonight with Sophia was going to be a mistake.
She called me four times on my way home, but I have to congratulate myself on not picking up the call. I’m pretty smart sometimes.
“Where’s my baby girl?” I yell into the house.
Chapter Eleven
Alex yells out for Muffin and she immediately jumps off my bed and sprints out of my room.
I’ve been sitting in my room all evening with her, stewing in my own thoughts, and she’s been a total sweetie. I think she can tell something is wrong with me.
Seriously, I don’t understand what the fuck is going on. I have no claims on Alex. After all, I’m just his charity case. But when he told me he was going out on a date tonight it pissed me off.
Ever since he left, I’ve had the strongest urge to punch something.
Like his big head.
Or stupid face.
Walking up to my door, I slam it hard. Yes, I know it’s passive-aggressive, but it conveys my message perfectly.
I hope his date sucked. I hope he catches crabs or something.
He’s back early…
I wonder what that says about him in the sack. He’s a little too speedy?
And yes, I’m being petty now but I’m feeling a bit better already.
Sitting on my bed, I pull out my phone and check my messages for the hundredth time today. Nicole still hasn’t texted me. Usually, she’s back from her dad’s already because she’ll have school, but the number zero blinks up at me.
She’d never abandon me, willingly. Something must have happened.
Plugging my phone back in, I set it on the nightstand and throw myself back on the bed. The TV is on, the sound soft in the background, but I haven’t been able to focus on anything. I stare up at the ceiling instead.
A couple of minutes later I can hear Alex’s big butt stomping up the stairs. His steps pause outside my door and I hold my breath.
I hope he doesn’t try to talk to me because I just want to go off on him… for no reason.
Thankfully, a couple of seconds later I hear him stomping away. I release the breath, relieved that there will be no ugly confrontation.
But why am I so mad? Why? Am I jealous?
Fuck… I think that’s it.
I’m jealous.
But maybe I’m jealous for the right reasons… and not for the wrong reasons.
Like… if he starts going out with a chick and she objects to me, then what? Will I have to move out? Will he have to choose between her and me?
Yeah, that’s totally it.
I’m worried about my current living situation, not about him hooking up with someone else…
At least, that’s what I’m going to keep telling myself.
I don’t care who he hooks up with. I don’t care if he goes out every night with a different woman.
But then I start picturing him in my head with another chick and it makes me feel sick and angry.
Ugh. There’s no doubt about it now—I’m seriously crushing on him.
And this is beyond bad.
Rolling over onto my stomach, I try to relax. I try to get this knot behind my ribs to loosen up but it only seems to tighten the more I think about it.
Alex is what, ten years older than me? Twelve?
And he looks at me like I’m a kid.
We’ve barely gotten to know each other over the past couple of days. I shouldn’t be feeling so possessive of him. Especially because it’s obvious he doesn’t feel the same about me. If he did, he wouldn’t have gone out tonight.
I can’t let myself fall for him. I can’t. I’m only going to get hurt if I don’t get my shit together.
I’m a grown woman now, I tell myself. I need to be able to handle adult shit like this.
But how do I fix this?
I’ve seen him around the gym plenty of times over the past few months and was never interested in him. What’s changed? How do I go back to that? The indifference…
Maybe I should just talk to him and find out how his date went.
Yeah, maybe if I hear him talk about the other woman I’ll be able to come to terms with this and put my feelings to rest.
Pushing off the bed, I slide off the edge and straighten with determination.
I don’t like all the feelings swirling around inside my stomach, or the awful scenarios playing out inside my head. Confronting this head-on is probably the best way to be rid of them.
Opening my door, I step out into the hallway and immediately hear a strange growling sound coming from downstairs. Walking over to the railing, I peek my head down and see Muffin is downstairs in the living room, chewing happily on a large bone.
Alex probably gave it to her as soon as he walked in.
Pushing away from the railing, I look down the hallway and see the door to his room is cracked open. I’ve noticed he never fully closes it, probably so Muffin can come and go as she pleases.
Walking towards his door, I can see through the crack that the light is off in his room but the TV is on. I hope he hasn’t fallen asleep yet. I don’t know how I’m going to fall sleep if I don’t stop feeling like this.
Pausing outside the door, I listen closely before knocking. I don’t hear any snoring, but there’s a strange rhythmic sound I don’t recognize. I decide to peek through the crack before disturbing him.
Alex is sitting up on his bed but his shirt is off and his pants are open. The strange rhythmic sound is the sound of his hand moving up and down his erection.
My heart immediately jumps in surprise and I jerk back.
Oh my god, what is he doing? Did I really just see that?
I listen closely, my ears straining but all I hear is the sound of his hand sliding against his skin.
I don’t think he saw me.
I should totally turn around and walk back to my room, yet…
I peek around his door again, looking through the crack.
Now that I’m not so surprised I can take a closer look at him. His head is tipped back, his eyes are closed and there’s a determined look on his face.
Is he thinking about someone?
Is he thinking about me?
A wave of heat rolls through me and I have to squeeze my knees together. I can feel my pulse pounding throughout my body.
Watching him, I’m suddenly filled with excitement yet I’m also uneasy.
I shouldn’t be doing this, I shouldn’t. But I can’t stop myself. I can’t look away. Something more primal has taken over me.
I’ve been dying to know what’s in his pants and it’s right there, in crystal clear high definition.
He’s bigger and thicker than I could have ever imagined, and though I’ve never thought of penises as something attractive, there’s something about his that fills me with this tingling need.
His fingers squeeze around his shaft and the muscle in his arm flexes and bulges.
The way his hand pumps up and down, faster and harder, it’s almost like he’s punishing himself.
The air in the hallway thickens and the place between my thighs throbs incessantly.
His head tips back further and I can hear a growl building inside his throat. His hand pumps up and down his cock so hard and fast it almost looks painful.
The lights from the TV dance across his body. He glows white, blue and green like he’s some unearthly projection.
Then he tenses up, ropes of cum suddenly erupting from the crown of his cock and hitting his rippling stomach.
“Fuck. Christy. Fuck,” he curses.
I almost gasp, givi
ng myself away.
Heart thundering, I step away from the doorway and tiptoe back. I’m so shocked I can barely breathe.
I lean against the wall, too stunned to walk yet.
Why did he say my name? Was he thinking of me?
My ears buzz and my nose burns from the lack of oxygen.
“Fuck,” I hear him curse again and then his growl drops to a mutter. “I’m a sick bastard.”
The sound of his voice spurs me into action.
I tiptoe my way back to my door as quickly as I can and quietly close it behind me. Now that I’m safely inside my room I feel like I can breathe again.
Holy shit. Did that really just happen? Or was it my sick, twisted imagination?
I listen, my ears straining for an eternity but all remains quiet. I don’t think he caught me…
Still, I tiptoe over to my bed and quietly slip under the covers.
Stretching out, I pull the comforter all the way up to my chin but I don’t know how I’m going to sleep with my heart thundering in my ears.
He said my name. He said Christy as he shuddered and came all over himself.
What does it mean? Was he thinking about me while he stroked his cock?
The thought both terrifies me and fills me with an empty ache I don’t know how to fill.
What would he do if I climbed out of this bed and walked into his room? Would he try to stop me if I climbed into his bed with him? Would he push me away if I told him it’s okay, I want him too?
I imagine his strong hands touching me. Pulling me close. Stripping off my clothes.
Beneath the covers, I squirm, rubbing my legs together. I just can’t get comfortable. I’m all hot and bothered and I can’t stop the direction my thoughts are taking.
His hands are rough and covered in callouses as he touches me. I see them covering my breasts first, giving them both a tight squeeze before dragging down.
He grabs two big handfuls of my ass.
I open my legs, imagining what his weight would feel like coming down on top of me.
How would he feel between my thighs? Could I spread them wide enough to fit him?