Breaking Beast (Pounding Hearts) Read online

Page 9

Dale gives a loud laugh while slapping her on the back. “That’s my girl!”

  Taking her seriously, I make sure I’m far enough away that I can safely turn around. No need for me to take a nap today. Little brat is getting good though. She’s got good head movement and speed, she just needs the confidence to be the aggressor.

  “Mark, get your ass over here. Time to quit hanging around,” Dale yells out across the gym.

  Chase follows Mark over to the cage and stares at me with some deep anger.

  Fuck, this might be a longer day than I thought.

  Stepping out of the cage, I step aside to let Mark in.

  I raise my hands up in a shield at Chase. “She’s got a good fucking hook, and those arms of hers are going to be deadly if she can get someone’s back.”

  I can see pride briefly flash across his eyes as he hears me out. “Did you really have to toss her?”

  Nodding my head, I say, “Fuck yeah, I did. Dude, she would’ve had me out pretty quick. Like I said, she can sink the choke under the chin. You must have taught her exactly where to hold it because she did it. I tossed her because it was that or take a nosedive. Just make sure she knows to keep them legs locked around the waist. Get her to twist her feet together.”

  Looking from me to Christy as she circles the cage with a smirking Mark, he asks, “She was holding you that long with just her thigh muscles?”

  “Yeah, man, she’s got crazy leg control. But if she would twist them feet together, I would have to had to drop back on her in hopes she could be shaken off.”

  “That’s good, means she’s got something to work with if they get her on the ground.”

  Leaning up against the cage, I watch as they both go in for punches then quickly fade back.

  “Chase, she’s the real thing. She’s gonna go places if we can get her trained up right. This could be a big thing for you and the school. She would be a hell of an addition to the fighter’s circle here. Too many posers lately, and she’s not one of them. She’s got fighting in her, she’s gonna be hell to fight against.”

  Nodding his head, he warns, “Don’t fucking toss my students like that again.”

  Laughing loudly, I back away, and say, “Self-defense.”

  I head back over to Shane, the man who I have partnered up with for grappling ground work. I don’t plan on my championship match being on the floor a whole lot, but it’s always best to be prepared.

  * * *

  By the end of my grappling session, I am a sweaty, winded mess. Shane is the upcoming Welterweight star, and I can see why his reputation has become what it is. Fucker is fast, and a master at grappling someone to the ground. From there he just works you over until you’re too tired to put up a good defense.

  Falling back against the wall, I sit next to Shane. “Holy fuck, dude. You’re a fucking terror.”

  Laughing at me, he says, “Man, I threw my whole game at you. Fuck, you’re just as fucking hard to fuck with.”

  Pushing up off the floor, I hold my hand out to him. “Don’t come up to Middleweight. I have no fucking desire to die in a ring with you.”

  Accepting my help up, he says, “Don’t come down then and we’re good.”

  Nodding my head, I walk off towards the back of the gym for the lockers. It’s close to leaving time for me and Christy. I need a shower and a couple bottles of water. It’s good to work up a sweat like I did, but I need to re-hydrate.

  I don’t know what’s happened, but I get passed by a stomping Christy and she’s mumbling to herself. “Fucking asshole kept putting…”

  I don’t get to hear the rest of what she had to say, and I’d chase after her—because if she’s that mad about the toss, I want to know—but I don’t belong in the women’s locker room. That might cause Chase to commit homicide.

  Taking a deep breath, I turn to the men’s, resigning myself to finding out as soon as she is in the car with me.

  Fuck, I hope I didn’t scare her away from fighting.

  Raucous laughter greets me as I walk inside and I hear Mark’s guffaw. “She’s gonna love it when I give it to her.”

  Turning the corner, I watch as he stands up and acts as if he is fucking some chick from behind as he slaps her ass.

  My blood is at a boiling point just thinking of that little shit fucking even touching Christy… Him trying to fuck my Christy though, puts me on the other side of murder.

  One of the kids I don’t know starts laughing . “Did you see how red her face got when you kept grabbing her tit on the ground?”

  They don’t see me, and I’m pretty sure my face is getting just as red.

  It’s about all I can do right now to walk away and head out to find Dale. He should have caught that shit; it’s too fucking easy for a person to take advantage of another person when they are locked up on the ground.

  “Fuck yeah, I did. That’s how red her face is going to be when I shove my cock in her tight ass pussy. I’m going to make her my bitch. Little slut isn’t going to be some great fighter like all those guys think, not after I ruin her with this big dick!”

  Fuck it, I’ll take the murder rap.

  Turning right the fuck back around, I storm around the lockers. There must be something about my facial expression because the two guys facing me scoot back into the wall.

  Not understanding what’s about to happen, Mark makes another obscene waggle of his hips as he loudly says, “Ride ‘em, cowboy!”

  I stop within a hairs breath of him. Leaning forward, my voice comes out as a harsh rasp as I ask, “What the fuck did you just say about, Christy?”

  His body instantly freezes in place.

  Not giving him much choice, I grab his shoulder and whip him around to face me. He’s got an inch on me and maybe ten pounds, but it’s all flab. He’s a fucking poser, he’s just here to look cool. Pose and learn a few things he can brag about. He’s a bitch.

  Grinning madly, I ask him loud enough that he and his friends have absolutely no doubt who I’m speaking to. “I asked, gentlemen—and I am using that term fucking loosely—what did you just fucking say?”

  I know my voice is carrying pretty loudly but fuck it, murder’s on the menu tonight!

  “What the fuck you talking about?” Mark finally stutters out.

  Looking over his shoulder at his two buddies, I can see he is gathering his courage. Turning back to me, he asks, “What, you got some fucking claim on her?”

  Poking my finger roughly in his chest, I poke him hard with each word as I say, “You. Do. Not. Take. Advantage. Of. A. Sparring. Partner.”

  Swiping at my hand, he pushes at my chest as hard as he can. Stupid fuck, I don’t even budge when he pushes me hard. “Get the fuck away from me.”

  “I will as soon as you tell me what you were saying about her,” I say, growling at them all.

  I can see the other two guys wilting under my furious gaze, but Mark is going to be a hard case about it. “Get out of my face, bitch!”

  His yelling isn’t going to faze me though. Leaning in, I put my nose right on his. “What did you say, poser?”

  Letting out a scream, he pulls back to take a swing at me and that’s all the excuse I need.

  I take the punch to the side of my face.

  Grabbing him by his shirt, I swing him around in a half-circle, and then, using his momentum, I push him face down as I fling him up into a locker.

  His back makes a humongous racket and he makes a good sized dent in the metal. He then slams, upside down, to the ground, completely dazed.

  Not giving him a moment, I yank him off the floor and start dragging him to the next row of lockers I can use to thump him with.

  I have Mark halfway up in the air when I hear Chase bellowing, “Set him the fuck down, Alex!”

  Sure, whatever the big guy wants. I let go with both hands and snicker as Mark drops to the ground like a sack of bruised potatoes.

  Backing up, I have to lift my hands again as Chase stomps up to me. If he is looking for
a fight, I’m sure as fuck not going to just stand here and take it. “Fucker swung at me after I called him out.”

  Chase stops himself at Mark and he bends over to help the little fucking pile of shit stand up. “He’s a fucking kid, Alex!”

  “Yeah, but…” I start.

  “Get the fuck out of my gym. Clean your shit out!” Chase roars at me.

  I want to say something but I don’t bother.

  Fuck it.

  Going to my locker, I stop only for the brief moment it takes me to rip it open. Grabbing my bag, I pull my keys out.

  Fuck this place and fuck Chase. I’ll be damned if I stand around letting some fucking pussy grope a girl like that little shit did.

  Marching out past them, I glare at the two guys that were fucking around with Mark. “Pussies, all of you. You don’t got the balls to stop a pile of shit like that.”

  “What the fuck did you just say, Alex?” Chase yells.

  “I said your little class are pussies. Fuck them and fuck you for standing for it!”

  He’s got just a hint of confusion in his eyes, but fuck him.

  Walking out the door, I say loudly, “I’m taking Christy with me. There is no fucking way I will let you guys fuck her chances up.”

  Leaving the side of Mark, Chase stalks over to me. He looks at me now just like he looked at his opponents in the ring. He’s huge, a mountain among hills. He may be retired, but he is just as deadly now as he’s ever been. “You won’t go near her.”

  Chase is not coming to me like an overprotective dad, no, he is squaring up on me.

  Dropping my shit to the floor, I crack my neck on both sides. “I’ve got her back, Reaper, unlike you. She doesn’t need a place like this. I drive her everywhere anyways.”

  He doesn’t say anything but growls as he advances on me.

  I smirk. “Let’s go, big boy.”

  This gym is about to see a bloodbath when all of a sudden a fighter named Bear pushes past me and starts to corral Chase. Brett, another fighter, wraps his arms around me, tightening his hold as he lifts me up.

  I start to fight him but he says loudly, “Time to get out of the locker room, boys. Too much playing with each other.”

  If it wasn’t for a couple of other guys stepping in between us, I don’t think the blood shed could have been stopped. Even then I am giving them a fight. I’ve got my dander up right now and I need to get it out. Fuck them and fuck this shit.

  We’re between the locker rooms when I hear Chase roar, “Get him the fuck out of the gym, and keep him the fuck away from Christy!”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I don’t know what to do. I’m so fucking angry about what just happened with Mark in the cage that I slam my locker shut as hard as I can before I stomp into the shower.

  Did anybody see? Am I just overreacting? Mark was groping me every time he got me down on the floor, sneaking his hand between me and the mat to grab my breasts.

  I scrub my arms down viciously with my rag, taking some of my anger out on my own skin.

  Why does this shit keep happening to me? Do I fucking look like I’m asking for it or something? Fuck!

  I throw my rag at the tile, resisting the urge to punch it with my fist.

  Leaning against the wall, I let the water run down my back as I try to figure out a plan.

  If I complain, what will happen? The entire gym will probably turn on me in a second. Half the guys here probably expect me to demand special treatment because I’m a chick.

  If I don’t do anything about it, he’ll probably try to do it again.

  Once again, it feels like I just can’t fucking win.

  Maybe I should ask Alex what he thinks?

  Shutting off the shower, I wrap a towel around my hair and start rubbing down my body when I hear a loud crash.

  What the fuck was that?

  Angry, muffled voices erupt on the other side of the wall but I can’t make out anything that’s being said.

  Hurriedly, I run over to my locker and start getting dressed.

  While I’m pulling my yoga pants and tank top on, I hear more voices yelling at each other. I think one of them is Chase’s.

  Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I walk out of the locker room to see a mob of guys crowding in front of the men’s locker room.

  Chase bellows, “Get him the fuck out of the gym, and keep him the fuck away from Christy!”

  There’s so many guys crushed together, I can’t tell what’s going on. Is he talking about Mark? Did someone tell him what happened?

  “You try to keep me away from her and see what the fuck happens!” Alex roars and I feel all the blood in my head drop to my feet.

  What the fuck is happening?

  “Alex?” I call out, trying to push through some of the guys in front of me but they’re not budging.

  “Stay back, Christy,” Chase warns and something about the way he says it really grates against my nerves and gets under my skin.

  “What the fuck is happening?” I ask, and glare down the guy in front of me. If he doesn’t step out of my way, his balls are going to meet my knee.

  The guy gets the hint and steps out of my way but there’s three more guys between me and Alex.

  “Christy?” Alex calls out, and I lift up my hand so he can see me.

  “Get him the fuck out here,” Chase repeats angrily.

  The crowd in front of me starts to move and I cry out, “Why? Why are you kicking him out?”

  “Get your fucking hands off of me,” Alex yells angrily. “I’m not fucking leaving without Christy.”

  “Alex!” I yell out and shove the guy in front of me but it’s the crowd behind me that moves. There’s a lot of cursing, a lot of grunting, and Chase reaches me, grabbing me by the arm.

  “What the fuck?” I ask, turning on him. “Why are you kicking out Alex?”

  Chase glares angrily over my head, his nostrils flaring as he grits out, “He attacked Mark.”

  The word is out of my mouth before I even realize I’ve thought it. “Good!”

  Chase blinks and finally looks down at me. “Good?”

  “Yes, good!” I glare up at him. “Mark’s an asshole! He was feeling me up every time he got me down on the mat.”

  “I told you I’m not fucking leaving!” Alex roars.

  Chase already looks pissed off as hell. I’ve never seen his eyes so narrowed or his lips forming such a sharp frown, but as I watch my words sink in, the red flushing his face deepens to a dark shade of crimson and his eyes gleam with mayhem.

  “Oh fuck,” one of the guys next to me exclaims.

  “He fucking touched you?” Chase asks, his voice harsh and cold.

  I know I’m not the one he’s pissed off at but the look on Chase’s face still chills me to my bones. I hesitate, afraid I’ve made a mistake, before nodding my head.

  Chase’s face darkens and his entire body shudders like he’s going to explode. I watch a myriad of murderous emotions flash across his face.

  “Chase…” I say hesitantly, unsure what to do.

  Chase has always been a little protective of me around the gym, like an uncle or older brother. And ever since his twin daughters were born, it’s only gotten worse.

  I thought he did it because I’m the only chick in his program and he was afraid I’d get run off. But now I see there’s much more to it than that…

  Chase tells me to, “Stay right here.”

  Releasing my arm, he starts to turn away from me and I panic. Reaching out, it’s my turn to grab him by the arm to stop him. Chase pauses, glancing back at me.

  “Chase, please…” I say quietly.

  Chase shakes his head and turns away from me.

  Fuck. This is a nightmare that will never end.

  It’s the guy in front of Chase that stops him. Saying, “Remember, Chase, he’s only a kid.”

  “Fuck!” Chase roars out, and I take a stumbling step back.

  I can’t d
eal with this anymore. There’s so much testosterone pumping around here I feel like I’m drowning in it.

  All I want to do is go home now, to escape this scene and pretend it never happened.

  I start pushing through the guys, trying to make my way to Alex. I hear him arguing with someone but it sounds like he’s calmed down a bit.

  “Where are you going?” Chase asks behind me.

  I don’t even glance back when I tell him, “I’m going with Alex.”

  “The fuck you are,” he says and grabs me by the arm again.

  “What the fuck, Chase?” I ask, glaring angrily at him and yanking my arm back.

  Releasing my arm, some of the red fades from his face and he scowls as he says, “I’ll give you a ride home if you need it.”

  Grabbing the strap of my backpack, I pull it back up until it’s resting on my shoulder again and take a deep breath, wishing I didn’t have to say it where everyone can hear it. “I’m staying with Alex.”

  Chase blinks slowly and for a moment I hope he’s not going to be pissed. The moment is short-lived. “What?!”

  I don’t know where I get the courage from but I take another breath and repeat slowly. “I said I’m staying with Alex.”

  Chase sets his jaw and says, “No.”

  “No?” I repeat, incredulous. “What do you mean no?”

  “I said no. You’re not staying with him.”

  I close my eyes for a couple of seconds, trying to keep my shit together. I can feel everyone’s eyes on us, and I’m not sure if my pride can take any more hits. I didn’t want it to come out like this.

  It’s embarrassing as fuck.

  “I’m already staying with him,” I say, dropping my voice. “And I have nowhere else to go.”

  “You can stay with Avery and me,” he says easily, like he doesn’t even have to think about it.

  I shake my head. “I want to stay with Alex.”

  Chase looks so angry and confused that I feel a little sorry for him. “He’s too old for you.”

  “I’m not a kid anymore, Chase,” I explain. “I just turned eighteen…”

  “You’re still a baby,” he says, and that’s it. I tried to keep myself from getting too pissed at him but I’m tired of being treated like a fucking kid.